Български |
In accordance with the Declaration of the Republic of Bulgaria under Art. 6 para. 1 of the Hague Convention of 1961, presented in the Law on Ratification of the mentioned above Convention (prom., SG. issue. 47 of 09.06.2000 on), the Ministry of Justice certifies only the acts of courts and notaries by Apostille. |
Under Article 1, letter "a" of the Convention, the acts of courts are documents issued by the authorities or an official, connected with the judicial system of the country. The acts should be submitted in original or as a certified transcript and should contain the following information: date of issue, first name and surname, signature of a chairperson or a judge and a secretary and seal of the court which has issued it. |
Acts of notaries under Article 1, letter "c" and "d" of the Convention, are the notarial deeds; the official certifications such as registry, or the authentications of a date or signature on a private document. |
Authorizations for the disposition of real estate properties, certified by the mayors and municipal secretaries, are not subject to authentication by "APOSTILLE". |
Proxies of injunctions with property are accepted after a notary has certified the signature and the content; respectively two new apostilles are given. |
Notary certified copies of documents, issued by medical institutions and intended for usage abroad, are certified by "APOSTILLE" of the Ministry of Justice
Documents on which Apostille and a code have been applied: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can be checked here. |
Documents for certification by Apostille are accepted upon presentation of a documentary proof of stamp duty amounting to BGN 5.00 paid and transferred to the account of the Ministry of Justice. "Za Apostil" should be written in the field "reason for pay". |
IBAN : BG09BNBG96613000173701 |
Documents for application of Apostille are accepted every working day from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. |
Documents with the applied "APOSTILLE" on them may be obtained from 11.15 am to 12.00 am three working days after their submission in the ministry; and when their number is over 10 - after 5 working days. |
tel. : (+359 2) 92 37 354 |